You cant do that

You cant do that Bas on various criteria such as: location industry company size job title seniority level function keywords and more However, not all search filters are available for the free version or the Premium plans. Some filters are exclusive to Sales Navigator. linkin sales navigator search filters worth it With Sales Navigator, you can access more search filters than the free version or the Premium plans. Some of these filters are: years in current position years at current company years of experience company type company headcount growth groups (membership) interests (follow topics) and much more.

Why does that

Make Sales Navigator worth it? These filters seo expate bd can help you narrow down your search results and find more relevant and qualifi prospects for your sales goals. .Boolean Search Linkin Sales Navigator Boolean search is a technique that allows you to combine keywords with operators such as: AND, OR, NOT, and parentheses to create more complex and precise search queries. For example, if you are looking for decision makers in Marketing or Sales you can write: (Head OR VP OR Chief) AND (Marketing OR Sales) NOT (Assistant OR “Right Arm”) On the Linkin basic, you can’t use complex boolean queries like this.

You will see a message

Like this linkin boolean search limit If you CLB Directory copy and paste the same query on Sales Navigator, you won’t have any problem. sales navigator boolean search Why does that make Sales Navigator worth it? With Sales Navigator, you can unlock complex boolean search and use boolean search and create more specific and target search queries for your prospects.Identify Decision Makers On Sales Navigator you can cross Account filters and Lead filters to find decision makers into specific companies: Search for accounts Create an account list Select your account list in the lead search Add job titles to find decision makers find decision makers sales navigator.

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