What mistakes did you make and what steps The volume of informational publications in business accounts usually does not exceed 50%, but in personal blogs it can reach 100%. Informational phone number list content can be in the form of stories about certain events; statements of one’s point of view; publications that are of practical value to the reader, etc. To attract attention to informational posts, bright photos, pictures with text or headlines that catch the attention of subscribers are usually used.
Some experts also distinguish personal and educational types of content in addition to those listed above.
Stages of creating a What mistakes did you make and what steps
To consolidate the theoretical part, let’s try to create a content plan for your account together.
First , we determine the type of account (personal or commercial).
Second , we set a specific goal.
What result do you want to achieve the dangers of aI-written content Increase sales, improve interaction with the audience, increase the level of trust in the brand, or something else?
Based on the goal, we determine the approximate ratio of the main types of content. If we need to increase sales, we focus on sales posts, and if the goal is to improve interaction, we add entertainment and informational publications.
Source: Rawpixel.com/shutterstock.com
Third , we define our target audience and create a portrait of the most active subscriber.
Fourth , prepare a table. This can be done in Google Docs or Excel. Make several columns: publication type, release date, time, text/content, hashtags.
Now we fill in:
- Type of publication . We write, story or feed, and the type of content: selling, entertaining or informational.
- Release date . This should be a specific date, such as 04/16/2021.
- Time . It is better to choose not an caseno email list interval, but an exact time (let’s say, 20.00).
- Contents . In this column, you can write the entire text or several theses, which will later allow you to quickly navigate and present information on the topic.
- Hashtags . Here we write down the keywords that will help an interested user quickly find your post.
Using the example of a women’s clothing store, the table would look like this:d for different buyers and how a person of a particular target audience can avoid making a mistake with their choice.
- Negative experience . did you take to