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when expressing your opinion

when expressing your opinion Own rubric . Permanent rubrics make your page look like an online magazine. This is a great way to stand out from the competition and add  phone number list originality to your account. What should you talk about in the rubric? It can be any topic that you understand and that will be interesting to most of your subscribers. It is good if the rubric is run by one author so that his or her style is easily recognizable.


For example, the @styleguide account of stylist

Yana Platonova regularly publishes a column called “It’s better not to wear this”, where she analyzes looks with outdated items. These posts are always very actively commented on by subscribers, due to which the column turns out to be interactive.



Discussion of hot news . You can expres the potential problems of AI-written content  your personal or expert opinion on any event that has occurred: political repressions, celebrity divorces, some journalistic investigation, etc. The main thing is that the event is resonant and its discussion finds a response from your audience.


If you run an expert blog or a commercia

l account, comments on breaking news should somehow intersect with the main topic of your page. And, most importantly, remember – , you need to be as polite and correct as possible, otherwise the audience may switch from discussing the news to discussing your aggression.

Your company news . For all events and innovations, you can create a separate section and assign it a hashtag. Try to keep the text light, positive, and be sure to indicate what benefit this or that innovation can bring to the client.

Workflow . Let your followers take a peek behind the scenes and show them how work is organized from the inside. Tell them about your employees, the division of responsibilities in the company, how an order is assembled, where the goods are stored, etc. On this topic, you can prepare a series of publications for the feed or periodically show fragments of your workflow in stories.

How it all began . What prompted you to open a business or why did you start blogging? What difficulties did you have to overcome at the beginning?

Motivation . What motivates you and your employees to come to work and do their job well? A special bonus system, free coffee in the office, or something else?

In what conditions did your product appear ?

What was the situation in the country and the economy? Describe the situation, as well as your thoughts and feelings that arose at the stage of creating the product.

First customers and why they chose your product . Tell us about your first customers, whether they were satisfied with the cooperation, whether they contact you today, etc.

Philosophy and mission . Describe the core values ​​and principles that guide your company in doing business.

Funny moments . Remember funny moments that happened in your work. Let your subscribers smile with you.

Personal Post Ideas

Philosophical thoughts . Here you can publish your thoughts on eternal values, some global processes, changes in society, somehow connected with you or your business. If you run a bookstore account, you can talk about how important it is to instill a love of reading from childhood or how modern gadgets are increasingly replacing books for people.

When choosing a topic, be sure to think about

how relevant it will be for your readers. If you can touch your readers’ hearts, their reaction in the form of likes and comments will definitely not take long to come.

Share your attitude towards the product . Tell us whether you use the products that your company produces and how your life has changed as a result of using them.

Personal growth . Describe the metamorphoses that happened to you in the process of establishing your business. It is not necessary to turn your soul inside out here. Your main task is to get closer to the audience and show that you are the same  caseno email list person and on the path to success you faced difficulties, overcame obstacles, fought fears, etc. People are always inspired by the stories of celebrities such as J.K. Rowling, Harrison Ford or Gal Gadot, who went through a thorny path to fame and made a lot of effort to escape poverty and obscurity. You want to trust such idols, because they are “from the people”.

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