Ways to speed up asset turnover: reduction of material and energy intensity of production processes;use of new improved equipment;he use of new technologies and methods that lead to a reduction in production cycle time;improving product quality;increasing the competitiveness of a product among similar items on the market, and so on.
Capital intensity and capital productivity
Capital intensity shows what amount of fixed country email list assets per 1 ruble of produced goods.
Return on assets is the inverse of capital make sure to organize your product or service intensity. It shows how much revenue each ruble invested in the company’s fixed assets produces. It is defined as the ratio of revenue received from the sale of goods (minus excise duties and VAT) to the average cost of fixed assets for the period.
Capital-labor ratio
The coefficient shows the amount of fixed assets in rubles per employee of the enterprise.
Otherwise, there will be a decline in the efficiency of using production equipment, an increase in rarely used equipment, downtime of technological capacities, and so on.
Indicators of labor efficiency at the enterprise
This includes such criteria as productivity and labor output, and labor intensity of the product.
Labor productivity
This parameter shows how effectively the labor of workers is used and what amount of labor costs are contained in a unit of labor product. The thailand phone numbers coefficient is determined by the ratio of the volume of all
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