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Ai-powered Telemarketing the Future is Here

Make or cause to be made any telephone solicitation Ai-powered Telemarketing the Future is Here to the telephone line of any . Residential, mobile, or wireless subscriber in this state .  to “no person or . Entity shall make or cause to be made on behalf of any person or entity . Any telephone solicitation to the telephone line of any residential, mobile, or wireless subscriber in . This state .

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. .” this change is extremely important because plaintiffs that filed lawsuits . Prior to georgia amending its telemarketing law had to establish agency in a court of . Law for vicarious liability to attach to advertisers on whose behalf violative calls/texts were placed/sent. . Now, georgia telemarketing plaintiffs can directly pursue the parties that stand to gain from the . Calls/texts, which are generally larger companies.

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Sb also modifies georgia’s telemarketing law to jordan phone number material remove the . “knowing” requirement. Pursuant to the new amendments, ignorance of the law is no longer a . Valid defense. Even if defendants are unaware that the subject telemarketing conduct violated the law, . They will still be liable. Sb further modifies georgia’s telemarketing law to specifically allow plaintiffs . To bring their claims as part of a class action and recover reasonable attorneys fees.

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. This amendment has massive implications for putative defendants from a liability standpoint. On a positive . Note, an industry-favorable amendment to mentorship program coordinator the statute was included. Sb now contains an additional defense . To georgia telemarketing lawsuits, allowing defendants to escape liability if “the telephone solicitation was made . To a residential, mobile, or wireless subscriber whose telephone number was provided in error by . Another subscriber so long as the defendant to such action did not know, or have .

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Reason to know, that the telephone number was provided in error.” put another way, if . A georgia consumer provides an incorrect telephone phone list number when subscribing to receive marketing communications, companies . Will no longer be liable for dialing/texting that incorrect number without consent. Hire experienced telemarketing . Attorneys to comply with georgia’s telemarketing laws it is important to note that sb passed . In the georgia senate with a vote of to we understand that this may have .

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