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Building Long-term Customer Relationships Telemarketin

Cases involving ftsa claims. Our first-rate litigation defense team will use this experience to ensure . That your business gets the best possible Building Long-term Customer Relationships representation.If you need assistance with updating your telemarketing . Practices and procedures or defending against a ftsa lawsuit, please email us at or call . Us at () -the material contained herein is provided for informational purposes only and is . Not legal advice nor is it a substitute for seeking legal advice from an attorney.

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. Each situation is unique, and you should not act or rely on any information contained . Herein without seeking the advice of an experienced attorney.Revised georgia telemarketing law takes effect on . July , david kleinmay , on may , , georgia governor brian kemp signed senate . Bill (“sb ”) into law. Sb amends title of the official code of georgia (“ocga”), . Georgia’s telemarketing law, with the goal of curbing the proliferation of unsolicited telemarketing calls to .

Increasing Customer Satisfaction Through Telemarketing

State residents. Among other revisions, sb amended georgia’s telemarketing law to: ) remove the “knowing” . Requirement for violation of the law; and ) expand statutory liability beyond the party that . Called/texted to the advertisers. The telephone japan phone number material consumer protection act (“tcpa”) is a federal statute designed . To protect consumer privacy by restricting certain types of telemarketing communications. The tcpa has been . Subject to wide-ranging interpretation and, consequently, inconsistent enforcement by courts in various federal circuits.

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Perhaps . Seeking uniformity in their own jurisdictions, states, such as georgia and florida, have passed their . Own telemarketing laws, commonly digital telemarketing strategist referred to as “mini-tcpas.” prior to this may th amendment, georgia’s . Telemarketing law did not previously contain a provision contemplating vicarious liability. Senator tillery, who introduced . Sb , made clear that telemarketing companies will no longer avoid liability “by contracting with . Companies outside of state lines and even our nations borders.

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” please note that the new . Amendments to georgia’s telemarketing law take effect on july , what effect does sb have . On georgia telemarketing practices? The most significant effect that the updated georgia telemarketing law will . Have is the phone list extension of liability to the party(ies) that benefit from telemarketing calls/text messages . That violate the statute. Sb updates the operative provision from: “no person or entity shall .

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