Labor output It is determined by the ratio of the volume of output received to the working time spent. It is possible to calculate the average hourly, average daily or average monthly output. The type of calculation formula will depend on the selected time period:
The higher the output rate, the more product
each employee produces per unit of time, which means that labor productivity also increases.
Labor intensity
Shows how much labor one worker spent to obtain job function email list one unit of output. It is determined by the formula:
T = Amount of time spent on production of a product / Volume of production
In calculation formulas, the volume of manufactured products can be expressed in price or physical terms, as well as in standard hours.
Financial performance indicators of the enterprise
- Equity
t generating profit. Accounting reports consider such resources as assets.
In terms of this indicator of the effectiveness our Sigma Solutions experts are ready to answer of the financial activity of the enterprise, its work is assessed quite simply. If everything functions well, then the amount of capital increases over time, thanks to incoming income. In the case of a zero or, even worse, negative result, it is necessary to take measures to maintain the independence of the company, as well as to pay off existing debts on loans without taking out new loans.
Cash flow forecast
The company must settle accounts with suppliers of raw materials and employees, pay taxes, and customers pay for supplies (either by advance payments or upon expiration of the deferment period).
There is also the concept of “cash outflow”, which means the totality of all payments. These two phenomena form the basis of the forecast, which determines the difference between two amounts – how much money the company should receive and how much it should pay.
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In this case, when analyzing the performance indicators of the enterprise’s business activities using formulas, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of financial flow and profit. In the first case, we mean a set of income and expenses that
the enterprise had in the reporting
period. In the second case, we are talking thailand phone numbers about accounting that combines all income from sales, as well as expense items reflected in the reports for a specific month, e