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Mastering the Art of Telemarketing

On january , , attorneys general (“ags”) submitted reply . Comments to the fcc’s noi, emphasizing the potential harm that ai telemarketing Mastering the Art of Telemarketing use poses to . Consumers and asking the fcc to strongly restrict such usage. Led by pennsylvania attorney general . Michelle a. Henry, the contingent seeks to ensure that any future rulemaking does not create . A tcpa loophole for the use of ai telemarketing technology.Why is ai telemarketing seen as .

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Problematic?Under the tcpa, it is unlawful “to initiate any telephone call to any residential telephone . Line using an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver a message without the prior express . Consent of the called party.” as you may be aware, the fcc has previously rejected . Arguments that soundboard technology produces the functional equivalent of conversation between a consumer and another . Human being. In doing so, the commission noted that the ai-based technology that it had .

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Evaluated did not adequately recreate an interaction with a live agent. As a result, the . Fcc states in its noi that “the tcpa’s existing prohibition italy phone number material on ‘artificial’ voice messages encompasses . Current ai technologies that generate human voices.”notwithstanding the foregoing, the fcc does consider the possibility . That ai-generated voice could eventually resemble that of a live agent during telemarketing interactions. The . Noi further discusses whether improvements in ai could eventually minimize or negate the nuisances currently .

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Associated with the use of artificial or prerecorded voice messages.Concerned with the open-ended nature of . The fcc’s remarks, the ags want to telemarketing crm specialist ensure that the fcc is not considering the . Possibility of allowing ai telemarketing calls to be initiated without prior consumer consent. The ags . Warn that such an amendment could open a loophole through which telemarketing businesses would “inundate” . Consumers with unwanted telemarketing calls that utilize ai technology.

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In their reply comments, the ags respectfully . Requested that any type of voice-generating ai, in present or future form, be phone list considered an . “artificial voice” for purposes of the tcpa. If treated the same as “artificial voice,”, companies . Engaged in ai telemarketing could never forego the tcpa requirement of obtaining prior express consumer . Consent prior to the use of such technology.Why are the ags’ comments relevant to your .

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