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Researching Your Leads for Better Results

Recognizing the threat that emerging ai Researching Your Leads for Better Results technologies could pose to . Consumers, the fcc has made clear that calls employing ai technology are subject to the . Tcpa’s restrictions on “artificial or prerecorded voice” transmissions.As our readers are aware, on january , . , fcc chairwoman jessica rosenworcel released a statement proposing that the fcc impose blanket tcpa . Restrictions on ai telemarketing calls. Specifically, chairwoman rosenworcel suggested that the fcc issue a declaratory .

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Ruling making clear that, for purposes of the tcpa, ai-generated voices are “artificial.” a little . Over a week later, the fcc did just that. Joining chairwoman rosenworcel in issuing a . Statement supporting the declaratory ruling were commissioners geoffrey starks and anna gomez.Why did the fcc . Outlaw unsolicited ai voice calls under the tcpa?As our readers will recall, on november , . , the fcc released a notice of inquiry asking for public input on the tcpa’s .

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Treatment of ai technology. As one can imagine, the fcc received a great deal of . Strongly-opiniated commentary from various interest groups on the emerging ai tcpa issue. One particular contingent, . Consisting of attorneys general, submitted iceland phone number material perhaps the most influential commentary. Shortly thereafter, chairwoman rosenworcel released . The aforementioned statement in support of the attorneys’ general position.The tcpa provides, in relevant part, . That it is unlawful “to initiate any telephone call to any residential telephone line using .

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An artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver a message without the prior express consent of . The called party.” this means that, if you using analytics to track telemarketing performance do not first obtain consent, calling a . Consumer and transmitting an “artificial” voice is illegal. By declaring that ai voice is “artificial” . Under the tcpa, the fcc made clear that telemarketers face stiff penalties if they contact . Consumers using ai voice without prior express consent.

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An area of concern for proponents of . The tcpa’s updated treatment of ai technology is that of “voice cloning.” “voice cloning,” and . Other similar technologies, have the ability to generate an artificial voice that mimics that of . Another real-life phone list human being. Readers will recall that new hampshire residents recently received calls that . Utilized ai to generate president joe biden’s voice, urging them not to vote in the .

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