Thus we see that there is a negative There must also be accurate data to calculate the indicator.
By time, KPIs are: Thus we see that there is a negative
- lagging – they are used to evaluate existing results and analyze work over the past period;
- operational – they exist in the present time phone number list and provide the opportunity to make changes to the business strategy and carry out operational management.
The table contains examples and economic activities of the enterprise for your specific purposes, now you should clarify whether they meet your needs. To do this, you need to answer the questions:
- What result do you want to get and what goals do you want to achieve?
- Do you have all the source data you test analyze and optimize need to calculate and analyze your key performance indicators?
- What can be done to improve the results of determining values?
- Who is this information intended for?
It can be difficult to correctly determine the type of KPI, the main thing is to quickly and efficiently collect data to calculate the indicators, because if the information does not correspond to reality or is not relevant, then you will not see any benefit from calculating the KPI.
Example of Key Performance Indicator Analysis
Let’s take as an example the most popular indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise – profitability of sales. This is the ratio of profit from the sale of manufactured goods to the amount of revenue received. This indicator can be calculated as follows:
Return on Sales = (Sales Profit) / (Sales Revenue) * 100%
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By analyzing this parameter, we can understand what profit each ruble of sold goods will bring to the company. As a rule, the calculation is based on information from the organization’s financial report. In this case, the formula for calculating profitability will look like this:
Return on sales = (line 2200 Form 2 (OFR)) / (line 2110 Form 2 (OFR)) * 100%
Example. Limited Liability Company “X”, according to 2023 data, had a profit from the sale of manufactured products (line 2200 of the Financial Performance Report) of 345,010 thousand rubles, and revenue for the same reporting period was equal to 6,315,431 thousand rubles (line 2110 of the Report). The same data for another reporting period (2020) are:
trend – thailand phone numbers the profitability indicator is going down. This happens because the profit declines faster than the decrease in total revenue. The company’s managers must conduct a timely analysis of product pricing, evaluate the marketing