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What’s Happening to Finance Vertical in 2024? [Stats, GEOs, Creatives]

Finance! One of the most profitable and at the same time – the trickiest verticals in affiliate marketing. Many newcomers got stuck with Finance at some point because of strict regulations, complicated customer flow, and other issues. Indeed, mastering this vertical is not that easy. However, anyone who did it, can boast of a truly high revenue.

How can you become one of them? Let’s discuss Finance and find out how to work smartly with such offers.

Finance: General overview

According to our statistics, Finance Pakistan Phone Number List is on the top 5 list of the most popular verticals. Let’s see, which Finance offers exist:

Trading: Cryptocurrency and Forex
Cards: Credit and bank cards (most popular ones – Amex and Santander)
Loans: Mostly, microloans

The biggest category here is Trading and it takes 85-90% of the entire Finance vertical. In general, Cryptocurrency and Forex are pretty much similar in terms of flow – just in two different forms. So we will overview them bundled.

Before we start discussing each offer type in more detail, take a look at general Finance statistics regarding ad formats:

Onclick  Push and In-Page Push Interstitial
53% 42% 5%

Even though Interstitial takes 5% of all traffic, it continues to grow in the finance vertical. So whenever you choose this format for scaling, you can expect worthy results.

Case Studies

Pakistan Phone Number List

Read how Interstitial works with Finance offers

Here is an important point about the Finance vertical: it is super-diverse. After reviewing our statistics, looking here and there, and checking this and that, we realized that it is really hard to provide a one-size-fits-all campaign recipe or provide overall stats that reflect the whole picture of the vertical.

The point is that Finance vertical is huge and includes numerous offers – each has its own specifics regarding CTR and other variables. And, by the way, this is one of the main reasons why Finance is so tricky – it is extremely diverse.

What to do with Trading offers?


As Trading is the largest Hello world! part of all Finance offers (about 85-90% of the entire vertical), we are going to focus on it more attentively than Cards and Loans.

Let’s start with the most fruitful GEOs you should target whenever you work with Crypto and Forex offers. Our stats show:

Europe: DE, FR, ES, GE,
Africa: NG, ZA
Asia: IN, JP, TR, TH, ID, PH, MY, AZ
Affiliate Marketing

Dive into LATAM campaigns!

Thus, even though these GEOs show great results in general, we have one important thing to mention. Remember that trading companies have different focuses – most of them are pretty much rooted in particular markets. Say, some trading platforms work in Asia only because of soft regulations.

By the way, talking about regulations. For instance, Trading is not completely forbidden in the USA, but restrictions are so tough that almost nothing is allowed. Cryptocurrency is totally banned in China, Algeria, Nepal, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Morocco, and Qatar. While Forex has limitations in India, Malaysia, and Belgium.

App Marketing

Trading App Case Study

Also, there are strict regulations for Direktori AGB European countries. Say, in Italy, retail investors have no right to promote any leveraged products at all. And the situation around other EU countries is similar, so most affiliates prefer working with Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

So, in a nutshell, you can work with:

Any GEOs, where Trading is not prohibited by the law;
GEOs where the call centers of the offer owners are located (see in your offer info or contact the owners to clarify);

PropellerAds’ Sales Team reassures: we have traffic everywhere.

Affiliate Marketing

Where to get the best targeted traffic?

For instance, our Senior Team Leader of the Accounting Team, Alex Shovkun, shared a story about one of our advertisers to illustrate how unpredictable the vertical is. The main point – each advertiser really has his own way here.

“Once we had a partner with a multi-GEO Finance campaign. He used to work with a whole bunch of different GEOs and what is more – he always added new ones. How did he choose GEOs? Well, he reviewed the offer carefully and took those, where the call-centers of the Finance company are (how smart!) and hence – where he needs to bring the leads.


He tested both Onclick and Push, but stopped on the latter – Push Notifications brought significantly more conversions.


Push Traffic

Wanna learn everything about Classic Push? Press here

His conversion price was about $30-70 per lead and reached $100-120 on some zones. We suggested switching these super-costly zones off, but he refused. Our partner said: “Everything goes as planned, leave it!” We were surprised, but continued watching the numbers with him.


And you know what? In some really expensive zones with enormous cost per lead he managed to get positive ROI! That’s why he didn’t switch them off. Yeah, Finance offers are that tricky.”


Ad formats

Basically, as our research and partners’ practice show, you can work with any ad format you want. Everything works efficiently for Trading offers – Popunder, Push ads, In-Page Push, and Interstitial. For example, try Push and In-Page Push + Popunder scaling.

The trick is to test them all and see which one brings the best result with your particular offer. We recommend launching A/B tests for all four formats and choosing the most profitable one.

By the way, you can use our Multiformat feature for a fast and neat test – all formats launched at one, results compared, and the best one chosen. Easy-peasy.


Usually, when you work with Popunder, you don’t really need any pre-landers. You have to drive traffic straight to the main page of your offer or to the registration form. In case you want a pre-lander, this might be something as classical as a success story, like this:

This one was used for a new website. The text says:


PROFIT: €5 552

“I’ve been using the [platform name] for about two weeks. I invested €250 and earned €5 802. That’s far more than what I get at work.” – Robert Kleinschmidt, Freiburg

Of course, the aim of such a pre-lander is to motivate users to repeat the head-spinning success of Robert. As they see from the ad, it is possible, and someone is already doing so.

Push Notifications and In-Page Push

For Push, you can go classy and use basic creatives that suggest a chance of earning easy money. Here is a nice example:

Usually, advertisers don’t use pre-landers when they launch Push notifications campaigns for Trading, but it is optional for this format. Without a pre-lander, you won’t overload the user flow. Just take care of a catchy CTA.

Also, an efficient practice for Trading is offering a deposit bonus, like this:

If you want to use a pre-lander with a success story like in the example above, you can use this kind of warming-up Push notification:

Then, after a user clicks this Push notification, he gets to the relevant pre-lander with an actual story.

As you can see, this notification has a Badge:

Badges are CTR-boosting, so you can use them for Android Push notifications to improve overall campaign performance and refresh your creatives.


Interstitial creatives have the same logic as Push – deposit and registration bonuses work great here. Such images can be used as banners or pre-lander creatives. Here is an Interstitial example:

Platforms and OS

In general, for Trading campaigns in the Finance vertical, you can target any OS and both platforms (desktop and mobile) – all of them show significant results here. In general, advertisers mostly work with Android, but that’s because this platform has more traffic. According to our stats, Windows goes second, and iOS is third.

By the way, affiliate marketers drive traffic to both – websites and applications of trading platforms.

In general, Trading offers are various, the vertical is broad, therefore you can work with most GEOs, formats, and targeting settings. This is the main difference between Trading offers and all the other verticals.

How about payouts?

The idea of Trading offers is that the payout for a lead can vary dramatically from $0.5 to $100+ depending on GEO, flow, and overall complexity of the user journey. A complicated flow with numerous actions to complete, plus difficult registration forms with numerous questions, will definitely have higher payouts that can reach incredible numbers, even $1000 per lead.

Advanced Tutorials

Wondering how to work with high-payout offers? Read this

What to do with Credit Cards?

Credit Cards are about opening a bank account or requesting a card. As we have already mentioned, a huge part of these offers are oriented toward Brazil, and namely, these are Santander bank offers. That is why, logically, Brazil is the number one GEO for Cards. And here is the full list according to our statistics:

Europe: GB, DE, ES, IT, FR
Asia: PH, IN, TH, ID
Africa: ZA
Ad formats

For credit cards, we recommend sticking to Push notifications or/and In-Page Push, especially, if you are a newcomer. Push notifications work well as informative messages that encourage users to click and register for a card. See the examples below.

In-Page Push

Our big guide on the In-Page Push


Affiliates rarely use pre-landers for Credit card offers, so you can work without them. We consider Push and In-Page Push the main and most effective formats, so check some examples. Here is the sweet classic:

As simple as that – encourage users to receive what they are looking for – a credit card from a reliable bank they know.

Basic elements you need to include in your creatives: bank name (if you have a direct offer), numbers (say, bonus amount), and basic conditions (“register and get a card”).

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