These many players are jostling about, partnering, competing. And disrupting each other. It’s key to understand the many players in this movement before blindly stumbling into this market. This post took weeks to prepare, and it’s my attempt to catalogue a very complex market that has broad. Global economic impacts being felt by many people. By no means is this market breakdown complete, so I seek your feedback in the comments. This space is diverse. There’s a wide range of political groups: from grandstanding politicians, to left-wing sharing communal hippies, to conservative incumbents resisting the movement, The 12 Players to libertarians seeking as little government regulation as possible as possible.
There’s a wide range of social ideologies.
There are environmentalists, to people’s rights activists, to technologists fascinated by the latest trends, to local neighborhood leaders, to federal regulators and government leaders. There’s also a wide range of economic classes: from billionaire investors, to bootstrapped entrepreneurs in their 20s, to the working class, to retirees forced Kuwait Email List to host strangers at their home to avoid foreclosure. It looks complex to the outsider. It’s impossible to analyze this market and expect to put each person into one single box. Life is complex, and nearly every person can fit into multiple categories. The sections below are categorized into four major groups: 1) The People, 2).
The Established
The Influencers. Each specific group contains a breakdown of its constituents. Thanks to Robin Chase, who provided additional insight into the nonprofits in the space. This guide will help distill a complex movement. Ecosystem USA Email List Guide: The 12 Players of the Collaborative Economy Times Square Crowd The People Players Examples What they want What no one tells you Providers Makers, Airbnb hosts, Uber drivers, Lyft friends, TaskRabbits and others who provide services, space or resources to others. Get more detail on Providers, Platforms, and Partakers. They seek to make a living, to have a lifestyle where they control their own destiny and have the rights and benefits that should accompany doing so.