Extreme violence against officials attacks have increased by 80%

Posted on : March 3, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Administrations have receive shocking images of attacks with knives, punches and spitting. Those most punish  INEM, hospital and traffic headquarters personnel Message from Rajoy to Montoro: “Without the officials, we will  extreme violence against not win the European Championships” Treasury gives permission to the Interior to raise the salary of civil guards Margallo reinforces the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the appointment of 22 senior officials “I’m going to kill you”, the threat of ETA member Ibon Iparraguirre to prison officials Officials at their jobs. Officials at their jobs.  The Spaniards are venting their tension against officials. The conflictive situations face by Administration employees who serve citizens have skyrocket in the last year. The attacks are concentrat  mainly in INEM offices, hospitals and DGT headquarters.

They reveal that citizen attacks on public

Employees have skyrocket by almost 80% in the last year . But it is an increasing spiral. They assure that a good part of those affecte do not dare to report for fear of reprisals or because they believe that “it will be of no use . ” The ‘hot  Singapore Phone Number List spots’ of attacks The union sources consulte by ECD explain that the Government has already locate for now, the main ‘hot spots’ of the attacks . This is what the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration calls the spaces in which violent episodes against officials have increase in recent months. This is the case, for example, of employment services , to which citizens often arrive affect by particularly dramatic personal and family situations. Attacks on officials in judicial offices, in hospitals in . Blade weapons, punches, spitting.

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The civil servants’ unions confirm to this confidentiality

The existence of videos, already in the hands of the department direct by Antonio Beteta , in which very aggressive scenes against public employees are observ. exp-player-logo Andorra-Valladolid: schedule, channel and where to watch the match on TV from the Hypermotion League According to the sources consulte the recordings  Bulgaria Phone Number List record extreme situations such as intimidation with knives . Hits, punches, spitting are given, officials’ tables and computers are overturn. Insults, disqualifications and all kinds of threats (even death threats) are also thrown at them , etc. Take out your anger against public employees Union sources associate these attacks with the fact that officials are the ones who must communicate to a citizen, for example, the loss or not of a benefit, calm impatience with long health waiting lists, the anger of a driver when receiving a fine of traffic, etc.

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