Extreme violence against officials attacks have increased by 80%

Posted on : March 3, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Administrations have receive shocking images of attacks with knives, punches and spitting. Those most punish  INEM, hospital and traffic headquarters personnel Message from Rajoy to Montoro: “Without the officials, we will  extreme violence against not win the European Championships” Treasury gives permission to the Interior to raise the salary of civil guards Margallo reinforces the […]

Toxo and Méndez take the Bilbao as a ‘wink’ to Urkullu’s

Posted on : March 3, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

UGT and CC.OO detect support in their Catalan federations for Artur Mas’ independence project. They seek to quell the outbreaks by aligning themselves with the lehendakari’s theses CCOO and UGT will demand that Brussels stop carrying out controls in Gibraltar UGT, CC.OO and CEOE demand that the Government put order in the money for training […]

Legal demand for Villar Mir’s works in Canalejas

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

The initial promoter of the complex has denounc the modification of the Urban Planning Plan and the project present by OHL Lamela, the luxury hotel for the Banesto and Central headquarters The Government contacts legal demand  Amancio Ortega, Mir and Juan Abelló to buy buildings from Sareb Mir, Ignacio González and Ana , denounce for […]

The stress tests on the banks are being a disaster

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Auditors denounce that appraisals are carri out by very young workers, without knowledge or experience More the stress tests commissions and less remuneration for clients, the banking response to the deposit tax Ana Patricia Botín Santander UK) negotiates to be the image of rental bicycles in London IU will pay Bankia the debt of million […]

Black Bird will present a new report questioning

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

It has verifi that acquisitions announce by the company list on the MAB are unsign and it doubts its revenue and profit forecast Gowex scam. Deloitte, KPMG, Price and Ernst&Young are going to make a killing BBVA asks for explanations after the critical Black Bird report Finance, caretaker of the stock, has sold more securities […]

BBVA considers maintaining the Catalunya Caixa brand

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Only ‘Catalan’ public bank and expects pressure from the Generalitat to keep it. Will commission a market study to know the BBVA considers penetration among customers Esther Koplowitz’s bitter complaint to Goirigolzarri and Francisco . González Send money from Facebook, BBVA’s new offensive against Google and Amazon BBVA asks. Carbures for explanations after the critical […]

48,000 more bus seats will face the Renfe strike Alsa

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Avanza, Arriva… will especially reinforce the lines that connect with the coast during the vacation departure operation BlaBlaCar makes a splash on the day of the taxi strike The poem by a relative and a song composed by 48,000 more bus a police officer will star in the tribute to the victims of the Alvia […]

The artistic treasures threatened by Operation Canalejas

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Marble stairs and bronze railings, marble fireplaces, historic staine glass windows, mahogany doors with bronze hardware… See photos Lamela, the luxury hotel for the and Central headquarters the artistic treasures Ignacio González and Ana Botella, denounce for looting by ‘Operation The Chinese millionaire wants to know what he can do in the The complaint, file […]

Bankia now removes clients each month from Santander

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

BBVA and CaixaBank It is achieving this thanks to the program that does not charge commissions to new depositors launched in June. The bankia now removes  goal is to reach 20,000 by the end of the year The least known personal advisor of Luis de Guindos: Goirigolzarri Bankia restructures branches IU will pay Bankia the […]

The treasury calls the unions a few hours

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

They are schedule to meet late Monday afternoon at the ministry headquarters. They will not reverse the large concentration in the Government delegations throughout Spain . One and a half million euros for CCOO and UGT for the treasury calls managing the pensions of civil servants Officials will denounce ministries that have install cameras to […]

Ana Patricia Botín negotiates to be the image

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

The bank’s brand will appear on 10,000 vehicles, stations and payment terminals. The current contract stipulates that he must pay more than 6 million a year Ana Patricia Botín’s surprise in London: she has ‘dazzled’ the City and Cameron calls her a ‘super star’ Banco Santander signs KPMG to detect future delinquent clients Santander and […]

Moncloa has pressured Montoro to withdraw the ‘tax’ on dismissal

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

The minister presente the keys to the tax reform to the regional Treasury councilors of the PP but failed to announce this measure to them. The other Treasury reform: tax crime from euros defraude More health co-payments . The moncloa has pressured cut that the Government hides to balance the deficit The autonomies disobey Montoro […]