Five Capabilities Enabling People

Posted on : February 25, 2024 | post in : Telegram Number Data |Leave a reply |

Called “Web3” has emerged. A rejection of the massive control. Financial, and information asymmetry that resulted from Web2’s search. E-commerce and social media giants. The vision of Web3 is to use distributed digital networks to shift power back to participants. This post will first define Web3 for the business leader by explaining the capabilities these emerging technologies enable for participants. Then we’ll address the dynamics of this ascendent,. If hotly debated tech movement. Our definition attempts to bridge an analysis of (early-stage) Web3 applications and market dynamics.

With key technological

Enablements of decentralized, distributed, and hybrid network designs. Here we focus on people (individuals and end-users): how are participants enabled by Web3? Web 3 Defined A digital economic ecosystem in which Oman Telegram Number Data participants exercise greater control over their online identities, collectively govern the organizations and commons in which they participate, build their own assets, and own and monetize a greater share of goods/services. Web 3 Five Use Cases To help illustrate the five primary ways that the participants of Web3 are collaborating, we’ll tell the story with a fictional character.

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Casey: 1. Identity

Casey decides how to manage (display, share, move, delete) multiple facets of her identity (real time, pseudo, or anonymous) and can also choose which of her preferences, or social graph, are shared. Self-Sovereignty Authenticity Austria Telegram Number List Reputation Portability 2. Govern: Casey and the communities she’s part of, can govern (propose, deliberate, delegate, vote, verify, and ratify), with greater automation and verifiability enabled smart contracts. Deliberation Rights & Participation Voting Record-keeping 3. Build: Casey can participate in the development (design, publish/mint, code, display, share, compose) of products.

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