The AI Hotspots in the SF Bay

Posted on : February 25, 2024 | post in : Telegram Number Data |Leave a reply |

Yeah, there’s often 80+ AI events per month in SF, and I also lead my own event series. I’ve been in the Bay Area for 27 years and have experienced five tech cycles. And haven’t seen a boom like this since 1999. Hayes Valley, dubbed “Cerebral Valley”: A Hub for AI Innovation The neighborhood, NW of Van Ness and Market is Hayes Valley. Now known as “Cerebral Valley” (article from The Standard). Has become a key area for AI development in the city. Inspired by this trend, a collective named Cerebral Valley was formed as a co-living and co-working space where AI founders are working on next-generation projects.

This innovative hub

Run by my friends Ivan and Mike. Hosts hackathons and working groups, fostering a vibrant community of AI innovators. Learn more at Cerebral Valley, in most cases you can find this crew at Shack15… Shack15: Co-working and Kuwait Telegram Number Data Events with a Bay View Run by my friend Jørn Lyseggen, founder of Meltwater. Shack15 is situated in the iconic Ferry Building and offers a beautiful co-working and event space. There are numerous AI startups coworking. Meeting, and several after-hours events focused on AI. It’s an ideal location for networking, collaboration.

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Soaking in the stunning

Views of the city. Visit Shack15 for more information about events and membership appropriately priced. You’ll find me there about once a week. AWS Loft: A Central Hub for AI Startups Located on Market in FiDi, in between Canada Telegram Number List Hayes Valley and the Ferry Building where Shack15 is. The AWS Loft is a co-working spot where startups centralize to use the many tools AWS offers for AI developers. It hosts the Generative AI cohort and provides access to services like Bedrock and other AWS cloud services tools. My AWS buddy is Mark Birch.

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