The artistic treasures threatened by Operation Canalejas

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Marble stairs and bronze railings, marble fireplaces, historic staine glass windows, mahogany doors with bronze hardware… See photos Lamela, the luxury hotel for the and Central headquarters the artistic treasures Ignacio González and Ana Botella, denounce for looting by ‘Operation The Chinese millionaire wants to know what he can do in the The complaint, file by the initial promoter of Operation Canalejas against the Madrid City Council for modifying the Urban Planning Plan and allowing Juan Miguel mega project, includes a report from the Madrid College of Architects listing the important heritage that is endangere . This report, prepare at the request the first promoter of this project and who file the complaint against the City .

Gastón de Iriarte assures in his writing

The action that is being carrie out in the complex represents a serious attack on what these buildings treasure , not only structurally, but in terms of determining and defining elements of their details.” As he explains in the complaint elements of doors and windows, complete stairs, skylights, and highly valuable  Denmark Phone Number List carpentry are going to be eliminate and are being eliminate . These elements are going to be move to another building,” says Gastón de Iriarte. “But this new building will be only one, not four like now, and it will form an incoherent mixture since they belong to different buildings, by different authors, from similar periods and very heterogeneous.

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The initial developer R&A Palace bought the buildings

Banco de Santander. But Emilio ‘s bank took advantage of a non-payment in one of the installments to sell the complex to . The City Council and the Community of Madrid made a specific modification to the city’s PGOU Bahamas Phone Number List to allow the work, which has already begun. Precautionary measures The initial promoter of the project is going to expand the complaint presented on the 15th. While waiting for the judge to decide on the request as a precautionary measure to immediately stop the works, R&A Palace is going to expand the document after this Monday the Constitutional Court will annul eight articles of the regional Heritage Law as unconstitutional.

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