The treasury calls the unions a few hours

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

They are schedule to meet late Monday afternoon at the ministry headquarters. They will not reverse the large concentration in the Government delegations throughout Spain . One and a half million euros for CCOO and UGT for the treasury calls managing the pensions of civil servants Officials will denounce ministries that have install cameras to control their schedules Officials prepare a ‘hot summer’ of mobilizations The mobilizations of officials that began on Friday will have their second part this Tuesday with a large concentration in Government delegations throughout Spain. The Ministry of Finance has call UGT CSI-F and CCOO for a meeting this Monday at seven thirty in the afternoon at the ministry .

At the meeting this Monday afternoon

Which will take place at the Secretary of State for Public Administrations of the Ministry of Finance, UGT, CC.OO Similarly, CSI-F will come to listen to the proposals of the department head by Cristóbal Montoro. Union sources have Venezuela Phone Number List confirm to that the Treasury has not inform them of the reason for the appointment. They suspect that they will try to calm things down ahead of the protests this Tuesday. Given the little hope that they will achieve any significant change in the meeting, the unions confirm that they will maintain the plann concentrations.

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Last Friday at noon there was also

A concentration of public employees to demand the meeting of the General Negotiation Table of Public Administrations .  After that, Broken since  according to the unions. The worker groups specify that the negotiation table must address issues  Belarus Phone Number List such as the return of the extraordinary pay for December or the recovery of additional vacation days. Sources from the Ministry of Finance told ECD that the unions the convening of the Negotiation Table in June and were summon this Monday for agenda reasons .  In conclusion, But the date has nothing to do, they say, with the Government’s attempt to get the plants to call off the  strikes.

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