If you have a train ticket for the days of the strike

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Renfe must award another route without charging anything in exchange AVE trains at Atocha station. AVE trains at Atocha station. Many passengers will be trapp next week if they have chosen the train as a means of transportation to start their vacation. The unions have calle a strike at Renfe for July 31 and August 1, coinciding with the exit operation.  Strikes for July 31 and August 1 Although some users prefer to solve any problem as soon as possible to be able to start their vacation without any problems, it is not advisable in this case to make any arrangements to change the tickets yet .

However waiting less than a week before

The stoppages, which is when it is usually known which trains will run and which will not, does guarantee users that the changes will be totally free. Without any additional cost In the case of having a ticket that will not be cover by the Greece Phone Number List  minimum services and the passenger maintains the willingness to travel that day, Renfe will relocate customers on trains that depart both earlier and later. These changes will not have any additional cost, regardless of the ticket fare. There is also the option to travel another day . If taking another of the trains they offer is not convenient for you, Renfe will have to refund the amount. Strike call by several unions .

Phone Number list

Operator cannot change the tickets

CC.OO. has call a strike at Renfe on July 31 to protest “the failure to comply with the essential commitments of the collective agreement and the weakening of human resources due to the lack of hiring.” The strike is in addition to Belize Phone Number List the strike at Adif announce by its general company committee for July and August 1 . In addition, the Railway Union has also call for two consecutive days of strike in the railway company, those same two days.In fact, the director of the Institute, dependent on the Department of Employment, was Pilar Collantes , who was rescu by López himself so that she left the secretary of Union Action of UGT Euskadi and join the government when she won the regional elections in .

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