Moncloa has pressured Montoro to withdraw the ‘tax’ on dismissal

Posted on : February 29, 2024 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

The minister presente the keys to the tax reform to the regional Treasury councilors of the PP but failed to announce this measure to them. The other Treasury reform: tax crime from euros defraude More health co-payments . The moncloa has pressured cut that the Government hides to balance the deficit The autonomies disobey Montoro and refuse to suppress the people’s . Montoro of having the reform of regional financing out of . Montoro’s dismissal tax punishes Spaniards who have paid for Health and Education for the last 30 years The Minister of . Cristóbal Montoro. The Minister of Finance. Cristóbal Montoro. Criticism within the PP continues against .

The message conveyed to Montoro is thatit goes

Against the middle class, who are precisely our voters and it will barely serve to raise more money for the public coffers,” say PP sources. The Minister of  at euros per year . Although Montoro already publicly warne from the beginning  UAE Phone Number Lis that it was not definitive and that before approving it he was definitely going to negotiate it with the social agents. Criticism has been widespread. Also within the PP. In addition, party sources have that the minister deceive the PP’s Economy and Finance advisors. “In the last meeting in Genoa with the regional councilors of the PP, the minister advance the keys to the tax reform.


Phone Number list

PP deputies insist that it is necessary to eliminate

This measure so as not to upset the party’s electorate. The minister reluctant to change However, the minister does not want to give in . The only thing that he has accepte up to this point is to raise the minimum exemption from the compensation Benin Phone Number List that will remain without passing the treasury. The proposal that is on the table is those 2,000 euros per year. Which would correspond to a salary of about euros per year. Some media outlets . Treasury would raise the exempt minimum to euros, while others claim that it will be raise to euros equating it to the Basque and Navarrese system.

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