Montoro’s dismissal tax punishes Spaniards who have paid for Health

The minister now recognizes that the propose measure penalizes people over 50 years of age who have contribute of personal income tax collection to the State. Rebellion in the PP against the tax on dismissal compensation Calls from montoro’s dismissal the Montoro think tank to experts to ‘sell’ the tax reform Barons of the PP accuse Montoro of having park the reform of regional financing out of “fear of Catalonia” Mariano Rajoy and Cristóbal Montoro. Mariano Rajoy and Cristóbal Montoro. The Treasury is going to reverse one of the aspects of the tax reform that has cause the most controversy: the taxation of severance pay. It has been realize that it represent a punishment for former workers who had contributeto supporting the Welfare State, and therefore, it was difficult to justify to society.

Digital has learned from sources familiar with the contacts

The Minister of Finance has shown himself to be “understanding” in the conversations he has had these days with employers and unions on this matter. Specifically, the fact majority of those affect this tax are workers laid off from their companies over  old has montoro’s dismissal  largely cause this reversal. Two main reasons are UK Phone Number List  give . This group is the one that has support the Welfare State (Education, Health, pensions, unemployment benefits for approximately the last 30 years. 2) They have contribute close to 85% of the personal income tax collection in all those years. Treatment that is more beneficial the older you are According to the sources consulte this is one of the reasons that explain the reasoning now carrie out by the Secretary of State for finance.

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Computing euros per year worke

Mean that older people will have a greater amount of compensation that will be exempt .” Thus, he pointe out that “the element of age is going to be very important because older people are going to have more beneficial treatment .” Authentic rebellion in the PP against the tax As reporte in ECD days after announcing the reform, leaders and Vietnam Phone Number List  middle cadres of the PP addresse Cristóbal Montoro to tell him that this taxation for dismissal had to be softene , which has sparke enormous criticism since it was announce. They ask the Minister of Finance, after a tense meeting of the parliamentary group, that it was necessary to introduce a greater graduation in the treatment of these incomes and correct its retroactive application. What saints are celebrat today.

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